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English as a second or foreign language is the use of English by speakers with different native languages. Language a level english creative writing coursework for people learning English may be known as English as a second language ESLEnglish as a foreign language EFLEnglish as an additional language EALor English for speakers of other languages ESOL.
The aspect in which ESL is taught is referred to as teaching English as a foreign language TEFLteaching English as a second language TESL or teaching English to speakers a level english creative writing coursework other languages TESOL. Technically, TEFL refers to English language teaching in a country where English is not the official language, TESL refers to teaching English to non-native English speakers in a native English speaking country and TESOL covers both.
In practice, however, each of these terms tends to be used more generically across the full field. TEFL is more widely used in the UK and TESL or TESOL in the US. The term "ESL" has been seen by some to indicate that English would be of subordinate importance; for example, where English is used as a lingua franca in a multilingual country. The term can be a misnomer for some students who have learned several languages before learning English.
The terms "English language learners" ELLand, more recently, "English learners" ELhave been used instead, and the students' native languages and cultures are considered important. Methods of learning English are highly variable, depending on the student's level of English proficiency and the manner and setting in which they are taught, which can range a level english creative writing coursework required classes in school to self-directed study at home, or a blended combination of both.
In some programs, educational materials including spoken lectures and written assignments are provided in a mixture of English, and the student's native language. In other programs, educational materials are always in English, but the vocabulary, grammar, and context clues may be modified to be more easily understood by students with varying levels of comprehension Wright, Adapting comprehension, insight-oriented repetitions, and recasts are some of the methods used in training.
However, without proper cultural immersion social learning grounds the associated language habits and reference points internal mechanisms of the host country are not completely transferred through these programs Wright, As a further complication, the syntax of the language is based on Latin grammar hence it suffers inconsistencies. This is found to a a level english creative writing coursework extent primarily in pronunciation and vocabulary. Variants of the English language also exist in both of these countries e.
African American Vernacular English. The English language has a great reach and influence, and English is taught all over the world. In countries where English is not usually a native language, there are two distinct models for teaching English: Educational programs for students who want to move to English-speaking countries, and other programs for students who do not intend to move but who want to understand English content for the purposes of education, entertainment, employment or conducting international business.
The differences between these two models of English language education have grown larger over a level english creative writing coursework, and teachers focusing on each model have used different terminologya level english creative writing coursework, received different a level english creative writing coursework, and formed separate professional associations.
English is also taught as a second language for recent immigrants to English-speaking countries, which faces separate challenges because the students in one class may speak many different native languages. The many acronyms and abbreviations used in the field of English teaching and learning may be confusing and the following technical definitions may have their currency contested upon various grounds. The precise usage, including the different use of the terms ESL and ESOL in different countries, is described below.
These terms are most commonly used in relation to teaching and learning English as a second languagebut they may also be used in relation to demographic information.
English language teaching ELT is a widely used teacher-centered term, as in the English language teaching divisions of large publishing houses, ELT training, etc. Teaching English as a second language TESLteaching English to speakers of other languages TESOLand teaching English as a foreign language TEFL are also used. Other terms used in this field include English as an international language EIL a level english creative writing coursework, English as a lingua franca ELFEnglish for special purposes and English for specific purposes ESPand English for academic purposes EAP.
Those who are learning English are often referred to as English language learners ELL. The learners of the English language are of two main groups. The first group includes the learners learning English as their second language i. the second language of their country and the second group includes those who learn English as a totally foreign language i. a language that is not spoken in any part of their county.
EFLEnglish as a foreign language, indicates the teaching of English in a non—English-speaking region. The study can occur either in the student's home country, as part of the normal school curriculum or otherwise, or, for the more privileged minority, in an anglophone country that they visit as a sort of educational tourist, a level english creative writing coursework, particularly immediately before or after graduating from university.
TEFL is the teaching of English as a foreign language ; [6] note that this sort of instruction can take a level english creative writing coursework in any country, English-speaking or not. Typically, EFL is learned either to pass exams as a necessary part of one's education or for career progression while one works for an organization or business with an international focus.
EFL may be part of the state school curriculum in countries where English has no special status what linguistic theorist Braj Kachru calls the "expanding circle countries" ; it may also be supplemented by lessons paid for privately. Teachers of EFL generally assume that students are literate in their mother tongue. The Chinese EFL Journal [7] and Iranian EFL Journal [8] are examples of international journals dedicated to specifics of English language learning within countries where English is used as a foreign language.
The other broad grouping is the use of English within the English-speaking world. In what Braj Kachru calls "the inner circle", i. It also includes the use of English in "outer circle" countries, often former British colonies and the Philippineswhere English is an official language even if it is not spoken as a mother tongue by a majority of the population.
In the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand this use of English is called ESL English as a second language. This term has been criticized on the grounds that many learners already speak more than one language. A counter-argument says that the word "a" in the phrase "a second language" means there is no presumption that English is the second acquired language see also Second language.
TESL is the teaching of English as a second language. There are also other terms that it may be referred to in the US including ELL English Language Learner and CLD Culturally and Linguistically Diverse. In the UK and Ireland, the term ESL has been replaced by ESOL English for speakers of other languages.
In these countries TESOL teaching English to speakers of other languages is normally used to refer to teaching English only to this group. In the UK and Ireland, the term EAL English as an additional language is used, rather than ESOL, when talking about primary and secondary schools, in order to clarify that English is not the students' first language, but their second or third.
The term ESOL is used to describe English language learners who are above statutory school age. Other acronyms were created to describe the person rather than the language to be learned. The term Limited English proficiency LEP was first used in by the Lau Remedies following a decision of the U.
Supreme Court. ELL English Language Learner[9] used by United States governments and school systems, was created by James Crawford of the Institute for Language and Education Policy in an effort to label a level english creative writing coursework positively, rather than ascribing a deficiency to them.
Recently, some educators have shortened this to EL — English Learner. Typically, a student learns this sort of English to function in the new host country, a level english creative writing coursework, e. The teaching of it does not presuppose literacy in the mother tongue, a level english creative writing coursework.
It is usually paid for by the host government to help newcomers settle into their adopted country, sometimes as part of an explicit citizenship program. It is technically possible for ESL to be taught not in the host country, but in, for example, a refugee camp, as part of a pre-departure program sponsored by the government soon to receive new potential citizens.
In practice, however, this is extremely rare. Particularly in Canada and Australia, the term ESD English as a second dialect is used alongside ESL, usually in reference to programs for Aboriginal peoples in Canada or Australians. The term refers to the use of standard English by speakers of a creole or non-standard variety. All these ways of denoting the teaching of English can be bundled together into an umbrella term.
Unfortunately, a level english creative writing coursework, not all of the English teachers in the world would agree on just only a simple single term s.
The term TESOL teaching English to speakers of other languages is used in American English to include both TEFL and TESL. This is also the case in Canada as well as in Australia and New Zealand. British English uses ELT English language teachingbecause TESOL has a different, a level english creative writing coursework, more specific meaning; see above.
Several models of "simplified English" have been suggested or developed for international communication, among them:. Language teaching practice often assumes that most of the difficulties that learners face in the study of English are a consequence of the degree to which their native language differs from English a contrastive analysis approach. A native speaker of Chinesefor example, may face many more difficulties than a native speaker of Germanbecause German is more closely related to English than Chinese.
A level english creative writing coursework may be true for anyone of any mother tongue also called the first language, normally abbreviated L1 setting out to learn any other language called a target languagesecond language or L2. See also second language acquisition SLA for mixed evidence from linguistic research, a level english creative writing coursework.
Language learners often produce errors of syntaxvocabularyand pronunciation thought to result from the influence of their L1, such as mapping its grammatical patterns inappropriately onto the L2, pronouncing certain sounds incorrectly or with difficulty, and confusing items of vocabulary known as false friends.
This is known as L1 transfer or "language interference", a level english creative writing coursework. However, these transfer effects are typically stronger for beginners' language production, and SLA research has highlighted many errors which cannot be attributed to the L1, as they are attested in learners of many language backgrounds for example, failure to apply 3rd person present singular -s to verbs, as in 'he make' not 'he make s'. Some students may have problems due to the incoherence in certain rules, some words for example could be a noun or a verb depending on the word placement.
For instance, in "I am suffering terribly", suffering is the verb, but in "My suffering is terrible", it is a noun. However, both sentences express the same idea using the same words. Other students might have problems due to the prescribing and proscribing nature of rules in the language formulated by amateur grammarians rather than ascribing to the functional and descriptive nature of languages evidenced from distribution.
For example, a cleric, Robert Lowthintroduced the rule to never end a sentence with a preposition, inspired from Latin grammar, through his book A Short Introduction to English Grammar.
Like many alphabetic writing systems, English also has incorporated the principle that graphemic units should correspond to the phonemic units; however, a level english creative writing coursework, the fidelity to the principle is compromised, compared to an exemplar language like the Finnish language, a level english creative writing coursework.
This is evident in the Oxford English Dictionary; for many years it experimented with many spellings of 'SIGN' to attain a fidelity with the said principle, among them are SINE, SEGN, and SYNE, and through the diachronic mutations they settled on SIGN. For example, a study among Chinese ESL students revealed that preference for not using the tense marking on verb present in the morphology of their mother tongue made it difficult for them to express time-related sentences in English.
English contains a number of sounds and sound distinctions not present in some other languages. These sounds can include vowels and consonants, as well as diphthongs and other morphemes. Speakers of languages without these sounds may have problems both with hearing and pronouncing them.
For example:. Languages may also differ in syllable structure ; English allows for a cluster of up to three consonants before the vowel and five after it e. strengthsstrawdesksglimpsedsixths. Japanese and Brazilian Portuguesefor example, a level english creative writing coursework, broadly alternate consonant and vowel sounds so learners from Japan and Brazil often force vowels between the consonants e.
desks becomes [desukusu] or [dɛskis]and milk shake becomes [miɽukuɕeːku] or [miwki ɕejki]respectively. Similarly, in most Iberian dialects, a word can begin with [s]and [s] can be followed by a consonant, but a word can never begin with [s] immediately followed by a consonant, so learners whose mother tongue is in this language family often have a vowel in front of the word e. school becomes [eskul][iskuɫ ~ iskuw]a level english creative writing coursework, [ɯskuɫ] or [əskuɫ] for native speakers of Spanish, Brazilian and European Portuguese, and Catalan, respectively.
Learners who have had less than eight years of formal education in their first language are sometimes called adult ESL literacy learners. Usually, these learners have had their first-language education interrupted. For example, these learners may lack study skills and transferable language skills, [21] [22] and these learners may avoid reading or writing. Learners who have not had extensive exposure to reading and writing in a second language, despite having acceptable spoken proficiency, may have difficulties with the reading and writing in their L2.
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