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Holocaust Survivors in a Primary Care Setting: Fifty Years Later. Brian Trappler. Jeffrey W, brian hyer dissertation.
George Moskowitz. Steven Friedman. Brian hyer dissertation Health Science Center at Brooklyn, brian hyer dissertation. Past studies have not assessed the prevalence of emotional disturbances in Holocaust survivors seeking medical treatment in a family practice environment, brian hyer dissertation. The present study examined the prevalence of lifetime the presence of symptomatology during at any time and current posttraumatic stress disorder Brian hyer dissertation symptoms, general anxiety, and depression in Holocaust survivors seeking medical treatment in a primary care setting.
These preliminary results suggest that removing avoidance as a defense mechanism during the course of psychotherapy may leave these survivors without an adequate way for coping with their trauma, subsequently increasing their vulnerability to psychopathology.
Implications for psychological interventions are provided. KEY WORDS: Holocaust, geriatric, trauma, posttraumatic stress disorder. Although numerous studies have examined emotional disturbances in war veteran and civilian populations, few studies have examined the long-term prevalence and symptoms profile of emotional disturbances in Holocaust survivors of Nazi concentration camps.
In addition, these investigators concluded that the presence and severity of current PTSD symptoms was related to experiencing additional stressful events throughout life. These older veterans were prone to all PTSD symptoms when exposed to trauma-related triggers. Solomon and Prager found that Holocaust survivors living in Israel reported greater perceptions of danger, more psychological distress, and higher levels of state and trait anxiety during the SCUD missile attack of the Gulf War than age matched citizens who were not Holocaust survivors.
These findings suggest that in the absence of hyperarousal symptoms and fewer intrusive symptoms, older trauma survivors are more likely to be diagnosed with major depression because of their avoidance and emotional numbing.
The purpose of this study was to examine the prevalence of lifetime and current PTSD symptoms, general anxiety, and depression in Holocaust survivors seeking medical treatment in a primary care setting. Past studies have not assessed the prevalence of emotional disturbances in Holocaust survivors seeking only medical treatment in a family practice environment. We wished to identify a subgroup of survivors who had not routinely sought mental health services to gain an understanding of how they coped with trauma during their lifetime, brian hyer dissertation.
The population for this study was limited to Holocaust survivors seeking medical services in a community-based family medical practice. Each participant in this study was forced into either labor or concentration camps during their childhood or early adulthood at the time of the Holocaust and experienced a significant threat to their life.
Twenty-seven patients in this medical practice were identified as Holocaust survivors. All twenty-seven patients agreed to participate in the study. The mean age of participants in the study was Fourteen of the participants were men and thirteen were women.
Regarding marital status, sixteen of the participants were married, eight were widowed, two were divorced, and one was single. Eight participants were disabled four medically disabled, three psychiatrically disabled, and one both medically and psychiatrically disabled, brian hyer dissertation.
Participants were not seeking mental health treatment at the time of the study. Ten participants had received past outpatient mental health treatment. None of the participants reported any past psychiatric hospitalizations.
Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale for DSM-IV CAPS. It consists of standard questions and behavioral ratings, brian hyer dissertation, evaluating both the frequency and intensity of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms, brian hyer dissertation.
The CAPS brian hyer dissertation current past week and past month and lifetime symptoms of PTSD. The interviewer assesses the validity of responses, considering issues such as compliance with the interview mental status, and efforts to exaggerate or minimize symptoms.
The administration time is approximately 90 minutes. The CAPS-1 has demonstrated excellent test-retest reliability. The CAPS-1 has also demonstrated excellent convergent validity with other diagnostic measures.
Impact of Event Scale IES. The IES is a item self-report instrument designed to measure current posttraumatic brian hyer dissertation disorder symptoms associated with a specific traumatic life event. Seven items load on the Intrusion subscale and eight on the Avoidance subscale. Participants rate items on a 4-point scale measuring the frequency of symptoms during the last week from 0 not at all to 5 often.
Beck Depression Inventory BDI. Participants rate symptom severity on a 4-point scale ranging from 0 to 3. Total scores range from a brian hyer dissertation of 0 to a maximum of Beck Anxiety Inventory Brian hyer dissertation. Gillis, Hagga, brian hyer dissertation Ford conducted extensive normative research with the BAI, closely matching the demographic information of the normative sample with the U.
national census of A board certified psychiatrist and family practice physician evaluated the participants within a community-based, primary care medical office. A general psychiatric interview, brian hyer dissertation, structured diagnostic clinical interview CAPS and self-report instruments BDI, BAI, brian hyer dissertation, and IES were completed during the evaluation.
Participants were informed of the purpose for the evaluation before consenting to the study. They received instructions for completing all self-report instruments and were offered psychiatric and psychological treatment upon the completion of the evaluation. Participants were instructed to complete the self-report instruments without assistance. The CAPS Past Week Total Score, measuring DSM-IV PTSD diagnostic criterion, indicated that 20 of 27 participants met current and lifetime diagnostic criterion for PTSD.
The seven participants without PTSD did not meet the criterion for PTSD at anytime in their lives as assessed on the CAPS. Only, three participants were not diagnosed with a current DSM-IV psychiatric disorder. Table 1 presents the means and standard deviations of the total scores on the BDI, BAI, IES total score, IES intrusion subscale, IES avoidance subscale, brian hyer dissertation, and CAPS total score as a function of PTSD status.
The diagnosis of PTSD and subsequent group designation for the analysis was determined by positive findings from the general psychiatric evaluation and the CAPS. Six Mann-Whitney Tests were conducted to analyze the effects of PTSD on participants scores for the BDI, BAI, IES total score, IES Intrusion subscale, IES Avoidance subscale and the CAPS total score see Table 1. Four case-controlled paired sample t-tests measuring differences between past week and lifetime symptoms of PTSD on the CAPS were conducted for brian hyer dissertation participants see Table 2.
Although our participants reported an overall decline in reexperiencing, hyperarousal, and overall PTSD symptomatology throughout the lifespan, over time there was a trend toward an increase in avoidance and numbing. This is consistent with another study McFarlane, suggesting an increase in avoidance and social estrangement as PTSD survivors age. The avoidance exhibited by Holocaust survivors has apparently served as an adaptive function, allowing many of these survivors to control hyperarousal symptoms and maintain an adequate level of functioning.
A supporting clinical observation was that most of our patients never shared the details of their trauma with their brian hyer dissertation avoidancebrian hyer dissertation, and frequently requested sleep medication and sedatives during periods of hyperarousal.
Regarding the determination of pharmacotherapy, case-by-case decisions need to be made based on the patients chronicity of PTSD symptoms.
Patients without chronic physiological brian hyer dissertation symptoms may benefit from short-term use of benzodiazepines or hypnotics, whereas patients with chronic hyperarousal symptoms might instead benefit from serotonergic antidepressant and mood stabilizing medications given the addiction potential of benzodiazepines.
Holocaust survivors may have found other adaptive ways to avoid and cope with their trauma, such as actively engaging in work, community and religious activities, and raising children. These findings have direct implications for psychological treatment. Many cognitive-behavioral interventions for the treatment of PTSD are exposure-based, encouraging survivors to discuss and confront distressing images, places, and situations related to the traumatic event that they avoid.
Although these interventions have proven helpful to alleviate symptoms in sexual assault victims and war veterans, these techniques may be contraindicated for Holocaust survivors who rely heavily brian hyer dissertation defenses such as suppression and avoidance.
Removing avoidance as a defense mechanism in these victims may leave survivors without an adequate mechanism for coping with their trauma, subsequently increasing their vulnerability to psychopathology. Cognitive-behavioral coping skills such as relaxation training and rhythmic brian hyer dissertation may be a better choice for treatment if a survivor has partially succeeded in using avoidance to cope.
Future research could benefit by improving several of the limitations in design and measurement in this study. Utilizing both a geriatric patient control group and a larger non-PTSD survivor group may allow for increased generalizability of findings.
In addition, although the CAPS assesses for both current and lifetime symptomatology, the instrument does not measure symptomatology from a longitudinal perspective. Our clinical observations suggest that a subtle bimodal distribution of symptomatology may exist, brian hyer dissertation, with the most prominent avoidance symptoms occurring during the initial aftermath and brian hyer dissertation later in life present.
Assessing the influence of a supportive community and familial environment on the manifestation of symptomatology during the lifespan needs to be more thoroughly assessed. In addition, examining personality traits as a function of PTSD status may provide insight brian hyer dissertation predisposing factors for developing emotional disturbances after experiencing traumatic events.
With Holocaust survivors nearing the upper limits of life expectancy, research in this area needs to be conducted as soon as possible. Although the generalizability of this study to the population of Holocaust survivors is limited due to a small sample size, these results suggest that a careful assessment of symptomatology throughout the lifespan is needed before treatment is planned or implemented. In conclusion, the present findings are evidence that Holocaust survivors seeking medical treatment in a family practice setting may experience significant emotional disturbances requiring mental health treatment.
When patients experience a temporary breakdown in their compensatory mechanisms for controlling their PTSD symptoms, targeted mental health treatment may be indicated. Averill, P. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 14 2 Beck, A. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 56, Journal of Anxiety Disorders5, Clinical Psychology Review, 8, Archives of General Psychiatry4, Blake, D. Boston, Massachusetts: National Center for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder-Behavioral Science Division.
Journal of Traumatic Stress brian hyer dissertation, 8, Weathers, F, brian hyer dissertation. The Behavior Therapist13, Fydrich, T. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 6, Gillis, M. Psychological Assessment, 7, Horowitz, M.
Psychosomatic Medicine, 41,
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