Saturday, November 27, 2021

Cultural studies dissertation

Cultural studies dissertation

cultural studies dissertation

The Ph.D. curriculum draws on the methods of a number of disciplines, including art history, cultural studies, American studies, psychoanalytic theory, and philosophy. It involves intensive seminar level study in film theory, history and research methods. Graduates of the program have gone onto Feb 28,  · Cultural and racial well-being in football: A case study of white and black footballers and their self-esteem, and how that affects performance in football clubs in England. Sport Dissertation Mar 03,  · Attitude outcomes measured by studies included cultural self-efficacy (assessing learner confidence of knowledge and skills in relation to ethnic minority patients), attitudes towards community health issues, and interest in learning about patient and family backgrounds. Skills included communication skills or use of treatment plan

East Asian Studies | Graduate School

Try out PMC Labs and tell us what you think. Learn Cultural studies dissertation. The aim of this systematic review of reviews is to gather and synthesize existing reviews of studies in the field to form a comprehensive understanding of the current evidence base that can guide future interventions and research in the area.

A systematic review cultural studies dissertation review articles published between January and June was conducted. Electronic databases including Medline, Cinahl and PsycINFOreference lists of articles, and key websites were searched, cultural studies dissertation. Reviews of cultural competency in health settings only were included. Each review was critically appraised by two authors using a study appraisal tool and were given a quality assessment rating of weak, moderate or strong.

Nineteen published reviews were identified, cultural studies dissertation. There were three main categories of study outcomes: patient-related outcomes, provider-related outcomes, and health service access and utilization outcomes. However, a lack of methodological rigor is common amongst the studies included in reviews and many of the studies rely on self-report, which is subject to a range of biases, while objective evidence of intervention effectiveness was rare.

It developed largely in response to the recognition that cultural and linguistic barriers between healthcare providers and patients could affect the quality of healthcare delivery. The targeted groups were mainly immigrant populations from non-English speaking countries with limited exposure to Western cultural norms [ 1 ], cultural studies dissertation. Since its introduction in the s, cultural studies dissertation, the range of cultural competency frameworks and models has burgeoned.

Many models include dimensions of knowledge e. Although the most often cited definition of cultural competency is that of Cross and colleagues [ 2 ], there is no one widely accepted and definitive conceptual cultural competency framework. culturally appropriate care, multicultural education that add to the lack of clarity in this field. There is an abundance of international literature related to cultural competency and the importance of its integration into all levels of health care.

In the United States, cultural studies dissertation, the prominence of cultural competency within health policy and practice is largely attributed to federal and state regulations calling for culturally competent care Office of Minority Health, Existing reviews have examined cultural competency and related concepts within health care settings such as nursing [ 3 ] and mental health [ 4 ] as well as within health care systems [ 5 ].

interpersonal interactions or more broadly at the organizational level e. integration cultural competency into policies, plans and processes. Interventions that meet this definition may also be referred to in this paper by other terms such as culturally appropriate care and multicultural education if these terms are utilized in cultural studies dissertation reviews.

Reference lists were hand-searched for other reviews, cultural studies dissertation. Key websites i. uk were also searched. In July the search was updated to include recent studies published up to June See Additional file 1 for search terms used.

As cultural competency did not achieve popularity until the late s and government policies mandating cultural competence did not occur until the early s [ 11 ], a search timeframe of — was chosen. training programs or workshops or educational coursesv included studies cultural studies dissertation intervention settings or services related to the health sector e.

hospitals, cultural studies dissertation, community health services, educational institutions teaching health related coursesvi included studies that used one or more outcome measures at an individual level e. surveyorganizational level e. programs or system level e. Reviews were excluded if they described cultural competency in other non-health settings e.

education systemwere conducted prior to the yearor did not contain a methods section that included information on: search strategy, number of included studies, and details of studies, cultural studies dissertation. Each review was cultural studies dissertation appraised independently by two authors using the health-evidence. org tool for reviews [ 12 ].

This tool consists of ten questions to assess the quality of the review using commonly accepted evidence-informed principles. Reviews were given a quality assessment rating of weak, moderate or strong. The total search identified 6, results.

Based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, titles and abstracts were screened for eligibility by the first author. Full texts were retrieved for all reviews where inclusion was in doubt. There was no difference in agreement between reviewers.

Data extracted from the reviews was descriptively analyzed using Excel Meta-analysis was not conducted due to the heterogeneity of the reviews and their included studies. Analysis focused on: types of interventions and study outcomes. Searching yielded a total of 6, titles, of which 19 met the inclusion criteria and were extracted for analysis Table 1 [ 3 - 813 - 25 ]. The main reasons for exclusion were: articles were commentary or opinion pieces, articles were of primary studies, review articles examined cultural competency assessment tools and review articles but did not include any studies with interventions.

Six review articles were excluded for not providing information on search strategy and details of included studies [ 26 - 31 ]. A range of study designs were included in the reviews, including randomized controlled trials, pre and cultural studies dissertation designs as well as qualitative studies. Most reviews provided a definition of cultural competency or related concept. The number of studies included in each review varied between 5 and Smith et al.

The first meta-analysis consisted of retrospective survey studies that did not report outcome measures. Thirteen reviews assessed the quality of studies using critical appraisal tools such as the Oxford Centre for Evidence Based Medicine [ 13 ].

Three reviews included studies that examined organizational level interventions such as culturally adapting health programs for patients and employment of bilingual community health workers [ 515cultural studies dissertation, 16 ].

Another review looked at the structures and processes that support the development of culturally competent practices [ 3 ]. Evaluated models of cultural competence in mental health were reviewed by Bhui et al. Evaluations of implemented models of cultural competency [ 4 ] and cost-effectiveness [ 6 ] were also examined. Measured provider outcomes focused on knowledge, attitudes and skills related to cultural competency. In Beach et al. Attitude outcomes measured by studies included cultural self-efficacy assessing learner confidence of knowledge and skills in relation to ethnic minority patientsattitudes towards community health issues, and interest in learning about patient and family backgrounds [ 6 ].

Skills included communication skills or use of treatment plan. In contrast, Smith et al. Behavioral outcomes such as dietary and exercise behaviors were also examined in three reviews [ 151821 ].

Other reviews looked at primarily patient-focused interventions to improve breast and cervical cancer screening among women [ 24 ] and to improve participation in cancer treatment processes [ 22 ]. Outcomes related to health service access and utilization included use of bilingual community cultural studies dissertation workers, interpreters, and patient navigators.

Cost-effectiveness of interventions was considered in three reviews [ 6824 ]. Beach et al. No studies in Hawthorne et al. Two studies in Lu et al. These reviews noted this as an important limitation of studies they examined. Six of the eight reviews that examined healthcare provider interventions found some evidence of improvement in provider outcomes such as knowledge, skills and attitudes in relation to cultural competency [ 615 - 171923 ].

Hawthorne et al. However, long-term effects one year or more were not examined by any studies. Whittemore [ cultural studies dissertation ] also cultural studies dissertation culturally appropriate interventions in relation to diabetes, but for Hispanic populations only, finding evidence of significant improvements in selected clinical outcomes, behavioral outcomes and diabetes-related knowledge in the majority of studies.

Kehoe et al. Lie et al. Chipps et al. Reviews by Harun et al. Four of five reviews that included studies related to health service outcomes found some evidence of improvement.

Fisher et al. They found that interventions using culturally specific patient navigators and community health workers were among the most successful. Henderson et al.

From a healthcare systems perspective, Anderson et al. Pearson et al. Forsetlund et al. However, the quality of evidence for these interventions was graded as low to very low, cultural studies dissertation.

Bhui et al. They concluded that culturally competent care cultural studies dissertation services at the organizational level is addressed in different ways depending on the local context, for example managed care and insurance based service models in the United States may not to translatable in settings where services are dependent on government funds. The majority of reviews noted methodological limitations of studies.

This limited conclusive statements about the effectiveness of interventions to increase cultural competency. The main cultural studies dissertation criticisms of the studies by the reviews were: small samples [ 13 ], poor methodological rigor [ 71315 ], no or few long-term studies [ 818 ], no economic analysis of interventions [ 68 ], reliance on self-report measures [ 19 ], cultural studies dissertation, lack of detail about interventions [ 719 ], lack of patient outcome measures [ 4 - 615 ] and lack of objective provider measures related to change in practice [ 1417 ].

For example, Beach et al. In their review, evidence of impacts on provider knowledge were graded A compared with provider attitudes which were graded B. Twelve of the nineteen reviews concluded that further research e. The reviews found that many of the studies were difficult to compare as different frameworks cultural studies dissertation cultural competency were used and studies often lacked a standardized and validated instrument to measure cultural competence [ 6 ].

Most reviews concluded that training had positive impacts on provider outcomes. However, it was difficult to determine exactly what types of training interventions were most effective in relation to particular outcomes [ 61319 ].

A need for research into long-term outcomes [ 818 ] was identified along with the need to consider other factors that facilitate cultural competency, such as links with community organizations [ 315 ].

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F - Cross-Cultural Communication and Media Studies MA - Postgraduate - Newcastle University

cultural studies dissertation

Usually, history is written only by the powerful. When the history of COVID is written, let's make sure that doesn't happen. The goal of the Pandemic Journaling Project is to make sure that ordinary people struggling through this pandemic have their voices heard, and their experiences remembered.. Make sure what you and your family are living through is not forgotten The Ph.D. curriculum draws on the methods of a number of disciplines, including art history, cultural studies, American studies, psychoanalytic theory, and philosophy. It involves intensive seminar level study in film theory, history and research methods. Graduates of the program have gone onto Overview. The Media Studies pathway is a specialism on the Cross-Cultural Communication lets you study media studies with intercultural communication. Academic staff in media and cultural studies from the School of Arts and Cultures deliver this specialist pathway

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