Higher habitual coffee consumption was associated with higher insulin sensitivity (1) and a lower risk for type 2 diabetes (2–6) in diverse populations. In contrast, short-term metabolic studies showed that caffeine intake can acutely lower insulin sensitivity (7–9) and increase glucose concentrations (10–15). Randomized intervention studies are needed to examine whether tolerance to Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a cardinal feature of type 1 diabetes. However, there is a strong, almost dogmatic, errant perception by physicians that DKA is a complication that only occurs in patients with type 1 diabetes. This is not true. DKA does occur in type 2 diabetes; however, it rarely occurs in the absence of a precipitating event. ### Case 1 R.T., a year-old African-American man To prevent one case of diabetes during a period of three years, persons would have to participate in the lifestyle-intervention program, and would have to receive metformin. Conclusions: Lifestyle changes and treatment with metformin both reduced the incidence of diabetes in persons at high risk
Reduction in the incidence of type 2 diabetes with lifestyle intervention or metformin
Diabetes Action is committed to funding promising and innovative diabetes research with a special interest in integrative and nutritional therapies to prevent, treat, and cure diabetes and its complications. Researcher: Denise L. Faustman, MD, PhD. Diabetes research paper In Augustresults of the Phase I trial showed that diabetes research paper pancreas of long-term diabetics was able to transiently make insulin after two doses of the Bacillus Camlette-Guerin BCG vaccine.
In a follow up report on a total of participants both treated and untreated with BCG, published in the journal Vaccinesshowed positive results in lowering blood sugars in subjects with type 1 diabetes to almost normal levels while also reducing the amount of insulin needed about one-third after 5 to 8 years from the initial treatment with the BCG vaccine without any reports of severe hypoglycemia.
The FDA approved Phase II clinical trial, which is now fully enrolled with participants with long-term type 1 diabetes, will determine the dose and frequency of doses required to reverse type 1 diabetes, diabetes research paper. It is still necessary to diabetes research paper funding to track these patients for an additional three years with the ultimate goal of bringing BCG to market as an approved treatment for type 1 diabetes. Paper Published Paper Published Researcher: Angela Lombardi, Ph.
Assistant Professor Albert Einstein College of Medicine Bronx, NY, diabetes research paper. Currently, no curative therapy exists for T1D and the only available treatment is insulin replacement, which, though life saving, is often associated with fatal high or low glucose levels.
The aim of this research project is to treat or prevent autoimmunity in T1D by blocking antigen presentation using novel D-peptides, specifically by blocking the HLA-DQ8 peptide binding pocket from presenting diabetogenic peptides to auto reactive T-cells. Our hypothesis is that D-peptides are specific to the cause of T1D, and should not cause diabetes research paper immunosuppression, reducing or eliminating the need for insulin replacement therapy.
The novel D-peptide approach can be easily expanded to patients with other autoimmune diseases carrying HLA-DQ8 or other HLA class II alleles, therefore, representing a new strategy to treat autoimmunity in general.
Researcher: Douglas Sobel, diabetes research paper, MD Professor of Pediatrics, Chief Pediatric Endocrinology Georgetown University Washington, DC. Purpose: Islet transplantation is a promising approach to cure type 1 diabetes and some people with type 2 diabetes, but current treatment requires high dose toxic systemic immunotherapy to prevent rejection.
Over the last year, Dr, diabetes research paper. They have synthesized a new PLGA-Microsphere system able to release three important drugs to prevent islet rejection over a very long period of time, characterized the physical properties of the microsphere system, and by doing this, have made headway to determine the optimal drug doses within the PLGA.
To achieve their goal to safely inhibit rejection of islet transplantation, they will explore an important potential local immunotherapy drug entanercept, diabetes research paper, fully determine the optimal doses for the drug enladed PLGA, and assess the proper doses diabetes research paper prevent toxicity to the transplanted insulin producing cells in diabetic mice in order to cure them of their diabetes without rejection of the new insulin producing cells.
They hope that future studies will lead to curing people with diabetes. Researcher: Mihaela Stefan-Lifshitz, PhD Associate Professor Albert Einstein College of Medicine Bronx, diabetes research paper, NY.
Purpose: The rise in the incidence of type 1 diabetes T1Despecially in industrialized countries, can only be explained by a prevailing influence of environmental factors interacting with common genetic variants that predispose to T1D.
Preliminary epidemiological data support an association between chemical exposure and T1D and there is evidence that such exposures can impact Beta-cell function and contribute to the development of autoimmunity. Despite these correlations, there are no studies directed towards understanding the role of industrial chemical exposure in T1D development.
This leaves a gap in our understanding of the T1D etiology and its increasing incidence. Stefan-Lifshitz has developed a strategy which integrates complementary approaches to efficiently evaluate the association of environmental chemicals and chemical mixtures with T1D development and to dissect the mechanisms by which they trigger T1D in susceptible individuals. These studies will set the rationale for development of prevention strategies based on the mechanisms causing the disease.
Researcher: EunSeok Cha, Ph. Purpose: Individuals with early-onset type 2 diabetes before age 40 have much greater risks of developing chronic diabetes complications compared to those with late-onset diabetes after age 40diabetes research paper, even if they have had diabetes the same length of time.
However, current screening, diabetes research paper, prevention, and treatment guidelines for early-onset are normed for those of late onset.
Using data from a landmark observational study, the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults, this study aims to identify possible differences in the predictors of developing pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes between early and late onset type 2 diabetes groups. Contributing factors to generate different progression mechanisms in early and late-onset diabetes will be examined.
Findings will provide information to increase the precision of diabetes prevention, identification, and care for individuals at risk for and with early diabetes research paper type 2 diabetes. Paper Published Purpose: Type 2 diabetes is a fastest-growing health problem in the US.
It is a result of insulin resistance and loss of insulin secreting beta-cells. The goal of this research is to identify low-cost, natural compounds to prevent and treat T2D, diabetes research paper.
Liu discovered for the first time that hispidulin, a compound isolated from the herb Salvia plebaia, which is also abundant in oregano, acts in the gut to promote beta-cell function and ameliorates T2D, while sulforaphane, a small molecule derived from cruciferous vegetables, is a potent insulin sensitizer in the body of T2D mice. In this project Dr. Liu will investigate whether a combination treatment with hispidulin and sulforaphane is more effective in preventing T2D development by simultaneously improving insulin sensitivity and preserving functional beta-cell mass in T2D mice.
The results from this grant could lead to developing strategy for using these natural products as an alternative or complementary therapy for T2D. Researcher: Andrew C. Shin, diabetes research paper, Ph. Assistant Professor Director, diabetes research paper, Mouse Metabolic Phenotyping Facility Texas Tech University Lubbock, Texas.
Purpose: Diabetes research paper amino acids BCAAs are essential amino acids we cannot make in our body, thus we need to obtain through diet. Recent studies show that circulating BCAAs are elevated in obese and diabetic individuals, and that BCAA supplementation through diet can lead to insulin resistance and abnormally high glucose levels. These findings indicate that BCAAs may have a causal role in the development of obesity and diabetes, but how and why they are elevated to begin with has been a big black box.
Shin has discovered earlier that insulin action in the brain region called the mediobasal hypothalamus MBH controls circulating BCAAs. The present study proposes to identify and test the role of specific neuronal populations within the MBH for BCAA regulation. Researcher: Guoxun Chen, Ph. Associate Professor, diabetes research paper, Dept.
of Nutrition The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Knoxville, TN. Purpose: The numbers of patients with type 2 diabetes T2D in the U. is rising. It is urgent to find alternative, complementary, and nutritional therapies for the prevention and treatment of T2D. Oxidative stress contributes to abnormalities of T2D. Therefore, antioxidants have been implied to have anti-diabetic functions. Clinical trials using high doses of Vitamin C or E individually have shown some promising results in T2D patients.
However, whether a continuous dietary presence of vitamin C our E, or their combination is critical for their anti-diabetic effects remains unanswered. This nutrition research proposal is to investigate the effects of a combination of high doses of dietary vitamins C and E on the development of type 2 diabetes in Zucker diabetic rats, a well known T2D model.
The results will lead us to use commonly available antioxidants, vitamins C and E, as nutritional therapies to prevent and treat diabetes and its complications.
Researcher: Meredith Hawkins, MD Professor, Dept. of Medicine Endocrinology Albert Einstein College of Medicine Bronx, Diabetes research paper. Purpose: Patients with type 2 diabetes have inappropriately high blood sugar levels, which is predominately produced diabetes research paper the liver.
There is evidence in humans and rats that the brain normally regulates sugar production by the liver. However, this regulation is lost in people with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes research paper studies are likely to provide novel therapeutic target for controlling blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes.
Researcher: Robert P. Purpose: Cardiovascular disease is the major cause of death in patients with type 1 diabetes.
Increased inflammation causes future atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. Inflammation increases with increased glucose following a meal. Adolescents with type 1 diabetes have increased inflammation. The glycemic index quantifies the expected rise in glucose for a specific food 2 hours after a meal with a smaller increase for low glycemic index foods.
The effects of low glycemic index meals on inflammation following a meal have not been studied in adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Inflammation before and after low and high glycemic index meals will be studied in 20 adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Changes in vascular and renal function will also be measured. If improvements in inflammation, vascular and renal function are found, diabetes research paper, this would strongly indicate that low glycemic index diets have the potential to reduce complications in type 1 diabetes.
Researcher: Kevin W. Huggins, Ph. Associate Professor Auburn University Auburn, diabetes research paper, AL. Purpose: Type 2 diabetes is associated with neurodegeneration leading to cognitive deficits. The mechanism s underlying this diabetes-associated cognitive decline is poorly understood but may be related to an increase in diabetes-induced inflammation in the brain. Increased consumption of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids PUFA from cold water fish and fish oils have been associated diabetes research paper a decreased risk of diabetes and cognitive decline associated with diabetes.
This effect may be related to the anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3 PUFA. Specifically, increased brain omega-3 PUFA increases the production of pro-resolving lipid mediators which decrease inflammation. The goal of this study is to determine the role of omega-3 derived pro-resolving lipid diabetes research paper on inflammation in the brain of diabetic mice.
Researcher: Laurie P. Shornick, PhD Associate Professor of Biology Saint Louis University St. Louis, MO. Purpose: Diabetic patients often develop non-healing foot ulcers that result in lower limb amputations. Honey has been used for centuries as a complementary treatment for wound healing; however, it is sticky and difficult to apply. When honey warms to body temperature, it may also leak out of the wound.
Shornick proposes an innovative three-dimensional wound dressing containing New Zealand manuka honey which has special properties. The dressing will provide a structure for cells to diabetes research paper into the wound, and the honey will provide anti-bacterial protection and will promote the formation of new tissue and blood vessels. Because pigs have skin very similar to human skin, a diabetic pig model will be used to test the efficacy of the honey-embedded wound dressings, diabetes research paper.
Researcher: Bin Xu, Ph. Assistant Professor Principal Investigator Biomanufacturing Research Institute and Technology Enterprise BRITE North Carolina Central University Durham, NC. Purpose: The diabetes research paper of this project is to investigate the novel functions of botanical compound rosmarinic acid RA and its analog RA-amide, in the prevention and treatment of diabetes and its complications. Due to a rapidly aging population and the modern sedentary lifestyle, type 2 diabetes T2D and related neurodegeneration are reaching epidemic proportions, diabetes research paper.
The Future of Diabetes Research - Dr. Seung Kim (Stanford Medicine)
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Oct 21, · "The promise of this research is that it may help us to fine tune the timing of interventions and other medications to treat type 2 diabetes, in order to optimize their effectiveness," says To prevent one case of diabetes during a period of three years, persons would have to participate in the lifestyle-intervention program, and would have to receive metformin. Conclusions: Lifestyle changes and treatment with metformin both reduced the incidence of diabetes in persons at high risk Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice is an international journal for health-care providers and clinically oriented researchers that publishes high-quality original research articles and expert reviews in diabetes and related areas. The role of the journal is to provide a venue for dissemination Read more
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