Saturday, November 27, 2021

Essay on wildlife

Essay on wildlife

essay on wildlife

Jun 26,  · The first essay is a long essay on Wildlife in India of words. This long essay about Wildlife in India is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Wildlife in India of words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins Mar 22,  · Importance of Wildlife – Essay 1. Wildlife is a large part of habitation on earth that is now being threatened by human encroachment in their territory. Wildlife includes those animals, insects and other living beings that cannot be domesticated. Their natural habitat is the blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins Short Essay on 'Wildlife' ( Words) in Animals and Birds. 'Wildlife' is a term that refers to animals that are not normally domesticated. They are a living resource that will die and be replaced by others of their kind. Wildlife plays an important role in balancing the environment and provides stability to different natural processes of nature. It can be found in all ecosystems, desert, rainforests, plains and other blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins

Essay on Wildlife: Top 6 Essays | Natural Resources | Geography

Wildlife is a large part of habitation on earth that is now being threatened by human encroachment in their territory. Wildlife is being threatened by humans. We must make every effort at protecting and conserving them. Wildlife refers to the animal species essay on wildlife lives in the wild in that they have not been tamed and can therefore not be domesticated.

Wildlife is found in almost the entirety of the ecosystem. Popular animals that can be categorized as part of wildlife include the lions, elephants, tigers, and the rhino among others.

The importance of wildlife is further discussed in this essay. Wildlife is a tourist attraction as foreigners travel to distant countries to see the wildlife. The respective countries will in turn get foreign exchange. Wildlife also provides a balance in the ecosystem and therefore a balance is maintained in a s far as natural processes are concerned. It also has a beautifying effect to the planet because of its variety such as birds, forests, rivers, oceans and animals.

Wildlife also is a representation of the wealth of a country. This is because there are certain species of animals that not found in some countries but available in others, essay on wildlife. Wildlife provide a means of entertainment through programmes that have been invented where people take trips to the wild such as thick forests for essay on wildlife purpose of entertainment.

There is an educational benefit of wildlife manifested when studies are carried out with the expectation of reaching unbiased results free of human influence, essay on wildlife. Wildlife also provides an employment for the guards who are employed to watch over them. These men and women earn their living together with the guides who take tourists out in the wild to look at the wildlife. Wildlife in its entirety is beneficial to the life of human beings in so many ways. This is why it is important to ensure that wildlife is conserved.

Skip to main content Skip to secondary menu Skip to primary sidebar Skip to footer Home About History Important India Categories TOU Contact Us. Importance of Wildlife — Essay 1. Wildlife includes those animals, insects and other living beings that cannot be domesticated, essay on wildlife.

Their natural habitat is the jungle. Wildlife is a part of the entire food chain that keeps the natural balance of life. So none of the species can be disturbed to keep the balance between the others, intact Wildlife adds to the variety of life on the earth. We live in areas that we have developed only for human habitation.

Wildlife is not easy to integrate with the human habitation, essay on wildlife. Places rich in wildlife, such as African Savannas, attract tourists, thereby adding to the economy of that region and providing that place some basic infrastructure, essay on wildlife.

Wildlife is also a popular theme for photography and many Magazines, TV channels make documentaries on wildlife for entertainment and learning. We can see wildlife in the zoo but they confined to their enclosure and cannot be seen in essay on wildlife absolutely in a natural state. Much of the wildlife is being pushed to the margins as urbanization grows. Thus wildlife sanctuaries that create an atmosphere for them to thrive are rendering a valuable service. Footer Categories History of India History of Mughal Empire Modern History of Essay on wildlife Important India Indian Geography Blog.

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Write 10 lines on Wildlife - 10 line Essay - English

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Importance of Wildlife – Essay -

essay on wildlife

Jun 26,  · The first essay is a long essay on Wildlife in India of words. This long essay about Wildlife in India is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Wildlife in India of words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins Mar 22,  · Importance of Wildlife – Essay 1. Wildlife is a large part of habitation on earth that is now being threatened by human encroachment in their territory. Wildlife includes those animals, insects and other living beings that cannot be domesticated. Their natural habitat is the blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins 6. Essay on the Conservation of Wildlife: India is rich in biodiversity including the wildlife. Its wildlife includes rare animals like the lion in Gir forests of Gujarat, elephants in Kerala and Assam jungles, rhinoceros is found in Assam and northern West Bengal. The Bengal tiger of Sunderbans is really ferocious to look at

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