May 01, · This study also proved that customer satisfaction is a key factor that leads the hospitality industry to success and gain competitive advantages. Therefore, findings of this study shall assist the hospitality management to recognize their flaws and minimize the factors causing dissatisfaction among the tourists In this paper, after a review of the m ain literature on customer satisfaction and retention in the hotel industry, we confront a real case (Hotel Sporting Club of Cefalù, Sicily, Italy) and Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins Literature Review The literature review will explore service quality and customer satisfaction in the hotel industry from multiple perspectives. It begins with a review of multiple definitions of service quality and customer service taken from the literature. The relevance of service quality to the hospitality industry, with an emphasis on service quality and customer satisfaction on the hotel industry is
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Regina Literature review on customer satisfaction hospitality industry. Glover, Chair Dr. Marjorie Malkin Dr, literature review on customer satisfaction hospitality industry.
Glover The major purpose of this study was to identify customer and employee satisfaction levels and the most important satisfaction factors in the lodging industry by the example of two hotel properties of a resort on the East Coast. This study included a sample of customers, while the exact number of employees was unknown. The customer satisfaction survey was prepared by the consulting agency. It was conducted in the form of a minute telephone interview with the customers who stayed at the resort 30 days prior to the survey.
Top 10 and lowest 10 customer satisfaction factors were found for both hotels of the resort. Four similar factors out of 10 positive ones were found to be in both of the hotel properties. Nine similar factors out of 10 were ranked as least satisfying in both of the hotels.
The range score between the highest and the lowest customer satisfaction rating for the Hotel A was found to be 1. As for the overall customer satisfaction in two hotels, the overall customer satisfaction for the Hotel A was 4.
Satisfaction with Room Divisions received the highest overall mean scores 4. The employee satisfaction questionnaire was created by the human resources department of the resort. Satisfaction with Your Department received the highest positive total percentage mean score of Similar to customer satisfaction, the 10 top positive and 10 bottom negative employee satisfaction response questions were identified.
Those areas that were ranked high by the customers of the Hotel A were also highly ranked by the Hotel B customers. The strong positive association was found between two hotel properties and satisfaction statements. The t equal to There was found to be statistical significant difference between the Hotel A and B customer satisfaction statements. Regina Glover for her leadership, support, motivation, hard work and attention to details throughout this thesis.
She played a major role for two years of my graduate school, investing her energy, and time into my personal and academic growth. The members of my committee, Dr. Marjorie Malkin and Dr. Girard for their helpful comments, patience, and understanding, as well as great classes that I had a chance to take with their instruction, literature review on customer satisfaction hospitality industry.
I'd like to thank all the faculty members and the administrative staff of the Department of Health Education and Recreation. They each contributed to my professional development, and helped me with understanding of the American education system.
I would not have been able to literature review on customer satisfaction hospitality industry my Masters degree without support of my family and friends. Their confidence in my abilities has been driving me to succeed and accomplish the goals that I set. i Acknowledgments iv List of Tables vii List of Figures viii Chapter 1 Introduction Top 10 Customer Satisfaction Factors in A Hotel Top 10 Customer Satisfaction Factors in B Hotel Lowest 10 Customer Satisfaction Literature review on customer satisfaction hospitality industry in A Hotel Lowest 10 customer satisfaction factors in B hotel Customer satisfaction factors grouping in 4 major areas Overall employee satisfaction facets of the resort on the east coast Top 10 positive employee satisfaction response questions Top 10 negative employee satisfaction response questions Spearman's Rho correlation coefficient calculation Paired samples test hotel A and hotel B Customer Satisfaction Factors in A and B Hotel………………………………36 Figure 2.
The measurement of customer satisfaction has become an important issue for researchers in service marketing and hospitality management. Moreover, it is known that one of the goals of corporate culture is to retain and satisfy both the current and past customers. Each and every organization starts with the employees, the people who bring the organization alive and who are responsible for the output, literature review on customer satisfaction hospitality industry.
Without the employees the hotel would be just a structure made of steel, iron, and glass The Need for Employee Counseling, Employees are the most important asset the company has. More specifically the study examined the customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction in the lodging industry in two hotel properties of a resort on the East Coast.
What are the most important customer satisfaction factors in a Hotel A and B in a Resort on the East Coast of the US? What are the biggest problems in customer satisfaction in a Resort on the East Coast by the example of the Hotel A and Hotel B? What are the employee satisfaction levels in the lodging industry by the example of a Resort on the East Coast?
What are the strongest and the weakest areas of employee satisfaction in a Resort on the East Coast? Is there a relationship between customer satisfaction rankings in two hotel properties of a Resort on the East Coast based on the customer satisfaction survey? There is no significant difference in customer satisfaction rankings in two properties of a Resort on the East Coast.
The research on the topic of customer satisfaction is increasing along with the importance of quality in service and production areas. The value of the study of customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction is increasing along with the importance of improving quality in hotel service, as well as the significance of reducing turnover and employee training.
The knowledge obtained from this research may have applicability and practical value for hotel managers toward the development of creative strategies to maintain existing customer loyalty, increase prospective customers, improve management, and motivate personnel. The benefits of measuring customer satisfaction in various hotel departments raises the awareness of special challenges in the particular departments in providing service that could better satisfy the customers, enhance the use of customer service management and personnel training, literature review on customer satisfaction hospitality industry, and identify the best possible practices for quality service, and customer and employee satisfaction.
This study is also important because there have been very few studies that would analyze customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction in the hotel industry, particularly in the Resort on the East Coast. The study was limited to one resort setting on the East Coast. Only customers were used in the study. No information was available for the researcher on the exact number of the employees who completed the employee satisfaction survey.
Data collection for the Employee Satisfaction occurred during the month of October, Customer Satisfaction Surveys and data for this study were only received from December to February and are restricted to the outside agency interpretation. The sample for the study was chosen from the guest list who stayed at the resort within 30 days prior to the survey. The results of this study may be generalized to only customers and employees of a small portion of the lodging industry.
There were some differences in lodging facilities between the two hotel properties. Information may not accurately reflect the opinion of the total population. Customer satisfaction data were provided by the outside consulting organization to the resort, and may not include all factors of customer satisfaction.
The employee satisfaction survey designed by the resort human resources may not include all factors of employee satisfaction. Opinions of the employees might have been influenced by the management. Human error in the transfer of data might have occurred.
Validity and reliability of the surveys used was not available to the researcher. The main areas of the resort setting in this study are represented by Room Divisions, Recreation, Conflict Resolution, and Staff.
The grouping of the existing data into those areas was done by the researcher. Eight statements regarding Room Divisions Department area of the customer literature review on customer satisfaction hospitality industry survey were used to describe this term. pricing, waiting time for service, and satisfaction factors with different hotel departments and their relation to employee satisfaction in the lodging industry.
Due to the minimal available research done on the topic of customer satisfaction factors with literature review on customer satisfaction hospitality industry to different hotel departments as well as employee satisfaction, this review focuses on general customer and employee satisfaction factors in various service industries, on service quality, customer loyalty, and value.
, time: 3:40Literature Review The literature review will explore service quality and customer satisfaction in the hotel industry from multiple perspectives. It begins with a review of multiple definitions of service quality and customer service taken from the literature. The relevance of service quality to the hospitality industry, with an emphasis on service quality and customer satisfaction on the hotel industry is In this paper, after a review of the m ain literature on customer satisfaction and retention in the hotel industry, we confront a real case (Hotel Sporting Club of Cefalù, Sicily, Italy) and Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins Literature Review on Customer Satisfaction Dr. Ankur Saxena (Technocrats Institute of Technology - MBA, Bhopal, India) 1. Introduction: Customer satisfaction is an ambiguous, abstract and confusing concept. Customer satisfaction refers to the extent to which customers are happy and delighted with the products and services provided by a business. In
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