Saturday, November 27, 2021

Research papers on customer satisfaction towards online banking

Research papers on customer satisfaction towards online banking

research papers on customer satisfaction towards online banking

The data collected derived from secondary research carried out by various researchers and groups. In the course of investigation, most data present in research papers, articles, blogs, and online newspapers provided insights into the concepts and practices of employee engagement related to COVID‐19 and tough times Apr 24,  · Innovation banking mainly stresses on customer convenience and customer satisfaction. The main reason behind bringing innovation in current banking system was to provide customer with better services with help of technology and in this race of technology development internet served as the foundation stone for innovation banking Every writer is post-graduate and has at least 4 years of experience in writing research papers, Personal Statement For Banking Jobs Examples essay writing, thesis, and dissertations. Our writers are responsible for providing quality Personal Statement For Banking Jobs

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Try out PMC Labs and tell us what you think. Learn More. The paper is to determine the engagement of employees by various companies during coronavirus pandemic. Organizations nowadays are constantly developing innovative and effective means to engage the employees during this tough time. This paper is a conceptual paper that is based on various research papers, articles, blogs, online newspapers, and reports of World Health Organization.

Those organizations doing these kinds of engagement activities for their employees are learning new skills and developing themselves, research papers on customer satisfaction towards online banking. Human resource managers are persistently evolving innovative, creative, and effective ways to engage the employees in a healthier way during this difficult time. Employee engagement is a workplace attitude that is ensuing all adherents of an organization to give of their excellence every day, committed toward their organization's goals and values.

Research papers on customer satisfaction towards online banking always remember that employees who are well engaged in an organization will lead to productivity in the place of work, and this generates a higher customer satisfaction and, absolutely, developments in sales and profit in the company. Kahn, described in his study that engagement indicates physiological and physical existence of executing an organizational role. Psychological conditions of meaningfulness, research papers on customer satisfaction towards online banking, safety, and availability are the three constructs that help engagement to develop in an organization.

Further study suggests that in engagement, individuals employ and express themselves physically, cognitively, and emotionally in their role performances. The cognitive facet is associated with beliefs of leaders, employees, and working environments.

The emotional facet means employees positive or negative attitude toward the organization and the leaders. Physical facet means the physical force devoted in order to accomplish an organizational role.

Kahn's model is tested by May, Gilson, and Harter and the result showed that meaningfulness, safety, and availability of psychological condition are positively associated with engagement. Employee engagement comprises two important facets, that is, job engagement and organization engagement Saks, An engaged employee always does care about their effort, work, and performance, and employees want to feel that their work, efforts, and performance could make a difference.

Employee engagement is usually understood as an inner state of mind, that is, physically, emotionally, and mentally, that binds together the commitment, satisfaction, and work effort in an employee. Engaged employees support the organization to attain its mission, execute its strategy, and generate significant business results.

Employee engagement can be enhanced by different HR practices comprising job design, recruitment, selection, compensation, training, and performance management Vance, Organizations that support employee engagement, intelligently manage talent, and communicate with employees honestly, accurately, and at the right time will ride the current market turbulence and be successful in the future Robison, Organizations and employees are both dependent on each other to fulfill their goals and objectives.

To improve the purpose of effective employee engagement, six C's parameters are essential, that is, clarity, confidence, convey, connect, credibility, and career. An engaged employee is attentive about their work and about the performance of the company, and they always desire to feel that their determinations and hard work could make a difference. Engaged employees lead to productivity in the workplace, and this generates higher customer satisfaction and positive rises in sales and also profit in the organizations.

Confidence and communication among both employees and organizations are also essential. Employee engagement is built on belief, reliability, commitment, and communication between an organization and its adherents.

The severe respiratory disease recently appeared in Wuhan Hubei research papers on customer satisfaction towards online bankingChina. Epidemiological examinations have suggested that the epidemic was related to a seafood market in Wuhan, China Fan et al. In the European region, the total number of confirmed cases is 2, anddeaths reported. In regions of the Americas, confirmed cases are 2, anddeaths confirmed.

In Eastern Mediterranean region, total number of confirmed cases isand 12, deaths reported. In the Western Pacific region, it isconfirmed cases and 7, deaths reported. African region reportedconfirmed cases and 2, deaths.

World Health Organization also provides some recommendations and advice for the public. Those people who are old and individuals who have medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and chronic respiratory disease are more likely to develop severe illness.

Most of the countries are applying some form of restriction to the public like lockdown, social distancing, and wearing a face mask when you step out of your home.

Due to lockdown, most of the organizations provide the facility to their employees to work from home. But work from home is difficult for employees as they do not feel the organizational climate at home, as lack of concentration due to frequent invasion of family members; work—life conflict arise due to this. Even they do not have proper equipment and tools computer, mouse, printers, scanners, headphones, webcam, internet connection, and dedicated workspace—a quiet place to work.

They are not sure about their job security and also about their salary. Leaders should provide some motivational talk lectures, boost their morale, and provide security and open environment so employees can raise their voice if they are having some issues.

Leaders can use multimedia for communication. There should be transparent policy, so employees do not feel stress about their job and engage in their job well mannered. Robison suggested on how to manage in turbulent times and keep employees focused and engaged in times of change. Some tips are given by the author like tell employees what organization expects from them, make sure employees have the right materials and equipment, give employees the opportunity to do what they do best, do not forget to give recognition, let your employees know you care about them, and always keep encouraging their development.

Andrew and Saudah concluded that employee engagement can be utilized as a mediator to enhance the behavior, intention, and attitudes of employees toward a better work performance. Basquille recommended that managers should be supported by the executive to provide development assistance, career support, research papers on customer satisfaction towards online banking, and recognition. These factors enhance employee engagement effectively. Patro revealed that companies have research papers on customer satisfaction towards online banking provide their employees the freedom to make their work interesting and forming an environment for having an engaged work life.

Further study suggests that employee engagement should be a continuous process of learning, improvement, and action. Therefore, organizations today should actively look forward to fulfilling employee's expectations and generate an impact on the performance of the employee, which directly marks the organization's performance. Bedarkar and Pandita projected an integrated model of employee engagement. The study result has shown that leadership, communication, and work—life balance are the key drivers of employee engagement.

Jalal study outcomes directed that employee engagement has a significant positive effect on organizational commitment and also found employee engagement as an important determinant of organizational commitment. The finding of the study suggests that the more employees are engaged in the workplace, high will be their commitment toward the organization or institution.

Lee et al. Results revealed that workers are moderately engaged, meaning some may be detached from their current roles or fearful of losing their jobs. Job satisfaction is a significant driver of work engagement.

Garg, Dar, and Mishra result revealed that there is a positive relationship between job satisfaction and work engagement.

Further analysis showed that employee job satisfaction leads to employee engagement. Employee engagement link to financial performance comprising revenue growth, profit margins, shareholder return, and operating income is almost three times greater than organizations with disengaged personnel.

Further research shows that employee engagement has an effect on a company's bottom line and is sturdily linked to business performance Saks, Engagement of employees results in business profits like cost and time savings if an organization provides a strong corporate culture in which personnel feel important and supported by the organization.

Internal communication satisfaction and employee engagement both are intercorrelated concept and the antecedent. Engaged employees have emotional association with their work as well as their organization. Engaged employees always trust in the research papers on customer satisfaction towards online banking of the organization.

Hence, engaged employees are more dedicated and committed toward their work as well as organization. Tiwari and Lenka revealed that functional, economic, and psychological benefits upsurge employees' level of engagement. Results indicate that internal corporate communication, perceived communication satisfaction, knowledge sharing, research papers on customer satisfaction towards online banking, continuous learning, and intrapreneurship were positively associated with employee engagement.

Employee engagement is critical for an organization to retain their valued employees. It is very essential for an organization to do effective utilization of human resources in an organization, research papers on customer satisfaction towards online banking. Without employee engagement, an organization cannot survive for a lengthy period.

Due to this problem, companies need to engage their employees in refined ways with the help of various employee engagement practices. This paper is to determine the various creative and innovative ways of employee engagement, so that employees can easily do work from home and stay committed, satisfied, and motivated during this pandemic situation.

This paper is a conceptual paper based on secondary data. The data collected derived from secondary research carried out by various researchers and groups. A methodical and wide literature review was conducted related to employee engagement literatures. The integrative literature review is a unique form of research that creates new understanding and knowledge about the topic reviewed Torraco, In a lockdown, employee engagement practices keep them motivated, committed, satisfied, and contented in research papers on customer satisfaction towards online banking tough time.

According to the American Management Association, engagement levels can be improved, even throughout the tough periods, if companies take care and make the right decisions at the right time. According to the study, higher engagement levels are linked to improved productivity and a healthier bottom line. In good times or bad, worker engagement should be a top priority of organizations Vickers, According to The Guardianemployee engagement helps to increase strong positive attitudes among people toward their work and their organization in difficult research papers on customer satisfaction towards online banking. Organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and organizational citizenship are the factors that play a major role to make up employee engagement.

According to the newspaper, when employee engagement is high, organizations do better. To enhance employee engagement in difficult times, organizations should make more efforts toward the employees so that employees feel that their organization is genuinely interested in them Robertson, According to Groove Management Blog Formato,leadership needs to be more visible in tough times than at any other time. If organizations want their employees be engaged, then leaders should take responsibility research papers on customer satisfaction towards online banking motivate them to achieve your future promise.

Effective communication plan influences the employees to engage in their work and accomplish their objectives in difficult times.

According to the blog, employee engagement is so critical in difficult times and only leadership can do wonders through employee engagement via an effective communication plan. Personnel wants to get their message through multiple channels, and the best practice is to release the information via multimedia. Deal, Stawiski, and Gentry revealed that during the tough time, additional benefit packages and fair and comparable pay structures should be given to their employees to keep them engaged and motivated.

Organizations also provide employees all the tools and resources so that they can accomplish their job effectively. To keep engagement high among employees, managers should provide effective feedback and direction to their subordinates from time to time. Masson suggested that leaders should effectively communicate to employees toward their career growth, so that employees trust that development processes are fair and equitable.

Supervisors should be transparent and to help employees identify their developmental needs and also enhance their skills during tough times. DVV media HR group limited article states some actionable tips for employee engagement during tough times.

Lecture 10: Customer satisfaction and service quality

, time: 19:04


research papers on customer satisfaction towards online banking

Apr 24,  · Innovation banking mainly stresses on customer convenience and customer satisfaction. The main reason behind bringing innovation in current banking system was to provide customer with better services with help of technology and in this race of technology development internet served as the foundation stone for innovation banking Customer satisfaction (CS) has attracted serious research attention in the recent past. This paper reviews the research on how to measure the level of CS, and classify research articles according Nov 02,  · Nobody wants to be cut off just so you can squeeze in your two cents about the customer satisfaction survey. Knowing when to promote the customer satisfaction survey is a huge part of knowing how to promote it. A good time to promote the feedback survey is towards the end of the conversation, after your customer’s issue has been resolved

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