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Urbanisation essay

Urbanisation essay

urbanisation essay

Jul 07,  · The long Essay on Urbanization consists of words. The Long essay provides a framework that helps students with their competitive exams and assignments. The Short Essay on Urbanization is written for words and is suitable for children and kids with their blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins Dec 09,  · (24 pages) Introduction Chapter No. 1 Urbanization brings about a social change. This is most prominent in the expansion of entrepreneurship and industrialization. It is known that the progress of the landless laborer and the absorption of wealth into a few hands promote blogger.comted Reading Time: 11 mins Nov 23,  · Urbanization the Harris-Todaro Model of. Words: Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: Read Full Paper. This in turn drew more workers (Hassan ). The result is that Kuala Lumpur has added millions to its population and enjoys a far greater average annual income than does rural Malaysia

Urbanisation Essay | Cram

Home — Essay Samples — Social Issues — Urbanization — Causes and Effects of Urbanisation. Any subject. Any type of essay. Urbanization refers to an increase in population in cities and towns versus rural areas.

It is the gradual increase in the proportion of people living in urban areas. There are many causes of urbanization;reasons that make people move from rural areas to urban areas, urbanisation essay. These reasons include; industrialization,commercialization, social benefit and services, employment opportunities, modernization and changes in the mode of living and rural-urban transformation, urbanisation essay.

This movement of people from rural to has a lot of effects;both positive and negative. However there are more negative results of urbanization as compared to the positive ones.

some of the positive effects include creation of employment opportunities, technological and infrastructural advancements, improved transportation and communication, quality educational and medical facilities and finally improved standards of living. However, extensive urbanization mostly results in adverse urbanisation essay such as; housing problems, overcrowding, unemployment, development of slums, water and sanitation problems, urbanisation essay, poor health and spread of diseases, traffic congestion and urban crime.

However, such adverse effects of urbanization can be solved by things such as the provision of essential services in rural areas and the creation of jobs in those areas. Urbanisation has many different definitions. Urbanization can refer to the process by which towns and cities are formed and become larger as more and more people begin living and working in central areas. However, Urbanization can also mean that urbanisation essay is the process by which more and more people leave the countryside to live in cities.

The second meaning takes the topic of discussion and it is the one Urbanisation essay am much interested in. There are many reasons that make people move from the countryside to urban areas. What exactly makes people move from rural to urban areas and what are the outcomes of such movements? These reasons of urbanization are soo different as they vary from a person to another depending on the different needs of the people.

Industrialisation Urbanisation essay is a trend representing a shift from the old agricultural economics to the nonagricultural economy, which creates a modernized society. Through the industrial revolution, more people have been attracted to move from rural to urban areas on the account of improved employment opportunities. Industrialisation has increased employment opportunities by giving people the chance to work in modern sectors in job categories that aids to stir economic development, urbanisation essay.

Commerce and trade play a major role in urbanization. The distribution of goods and services and commercial transactions in the modern era has developed modern marketing institutions and exchange methods that have tremendously urbanisation essay rise to the growth of towns and cities, urbanisation essay. It comes with the perception that the towns and cities offer better commercial opportunities and returns compared to the rural areas. Urbanisation essay benefits and services There are numerous social benefits attributed to living in the cities and towns.

The mentality that life in cities is accompanied by things such as better educational facilities, urbanisation essay, better living standards, better sanitation and housing, better healthcare,better recreation facilities and a better life in general. On this account, more and more people are prompted to migrate into cities and towns to obtain the wide variety of social benefits and services which are mostly unavailable in the rural areas.

Employment opportunities in cities and towns, there are ample job opportunities that continually draw people from the rural areas to seek a better livelihood. Therefore, the majority of people frequently migrate into urban areas to access well-paying jobs as urban areas have countless employment opportunities in all developmental sectors such as public health, education, transport, sports and recreation, industries and business enterprises.

Services and industries generate and increase higher value-added jobs and this leads to more employment opportunities. Modernization and changes in the mode of living Modernization play a very important role in the process of urbanization. As urban areas become more technology savvy together with highly sophisticated communication, infrastructure medical facilities, dressing code, enlightenment, liberalization, and other social amenities availability, people believe they can lead a happy life in cities.

In urban areas, people also embrace changes in the modes of living namely residential habits, attitudes, dressing, food and beliefs. As a result, urbanisation essay, people migrate to cities and urbanisation essay cities grow by absorbing the growing number of people day after day. Rural-urban transformation As localities become more fruitful and prosperous due to the discovery of minerals, urbanisation essay, resource exploitation, or agricultural activities,cities start emerging as the rural areas transform to urbanism.

The increase in productivity leads to economic growth and higher value-added employment opportunities, urbanisation essay. This brings about the need to develop better infrastructure, better educational institutions, better health facilities, better transportation networks, the establishment of banking institutions, better governance, and better housing, urbanisation essay. As this takes place, rural communities start to adopt the urban culture and ultimately become urban centers that urbanisation essay to grow as more people to such locations in search of a better life.

Urbanization yields several positive effects if it happens within the appropriate limits. Technological and infrastructural advancements When urbanisation essay to urban centers they bring about increased trade affairs which intern calls for improving technology and other infrastructural services.

For example due to the congestion in urban centers the government is forced to improve the efficiency of roads which makes the facilities far much better. Improved transportation and communicationThis is brought about by the large population urbanisation essay Urban areas, to ease congestion urbanisation essay government develops so many ways of transportation like the railway and the airports.

Improved standard of living jobs created in urban urbanisation essay helps many people to earn urbanisation essay living and therefore experience a standard life. The people reduce the dependency ratio as most of them earn salaries or rewards that they use to account for their living needs. However extensive urbanization mostly results in adverse effects as below. Housing problems Urbanization attracts people to cities and towns which lead to high population increase.

With the increase in the number of people living in urban centers, there is a continued scarcity of houses, urbanisation essay. This is due to insufficient expansion space for housing and public utilities, poverty, urbanisation essay, unemployment and costly building materials which can only be afforded by few individualsOvercowdingIvercrowding is a situation whereby a huge number of people live in a small space.

This form of congestion in urban areas is consistent because of overpopulation and it is an aspect that increases day by day as more people and immigrants move into urbanisation essay and towns in search of a better life. Most people from rural or undeveloped areas always have the urge of migrating into the city that normally urbanisation essay to congestion of people within a small area.

UnemploymentThe problem of joblessness is highest in urban areas and it is even higher among the educated people. it is estimated that more than half of unemployed youths among the globe live in metropolitan cities. And, as much as income in urban areas is high, the costs of living makes the income to seem horribly low. The increasing replication of people from rural or developing areas to urban areas is the leading cause of urban unemployment, urbanisation essay.

Development of slums The cost of living in urban areas is very high. when this is combined with random and unexpected growth as well as unemployment, there is the spread of unlawful resident settlements represented by slums and squatters. The growth of slums and squatters in urban areas is even further exacerbated by fast-paced industrialization,lack of developed land for housing, a large influx of rural immigrants to the urbanisation essay in search of better life and the elevated prices of land beyond the reach of the urban poor.

Water and sanitation problems because of overpopulation and rapid population increase in most urban centers, it is common to find there are inadequate sewage facilities.

Municipalities and local governments are faced with serious resource crisis in the management of sewage facilities. As a result, urbanisation essay, sanitation becomes poor and sewages flow chaotically and the are drained into neighboring streams, rivers, urbanisation essay, lakes or seas. Eventually, communicable diseases such as typhoid, dysentery,plague, urbanisation essay, and diarrhea spread very fast leading suffering and even deaths.

Poor health and spread of diseases urbanisation essay, economic and living conditions in urbanisation essay urban areas affect access and utilization of urbanisation essay health care services. slum areas in particular experience poor sanitation and insufficient water supply which generally make slum populations susceptible to communicable diseases, urbanisation essay.

The environmental problems such as urban pollution also cause many health problems namely allergies, asthma, infertility, food poisoning, cancer and even premature deaths.

Traffic congestion When more people to move to towns and cities, urbanisation essay, one of the major challenges posed is in the transport system.

More people means an increased number of vehicles which leads to traffic congestion and vehicular pollution. Urban crime issues of lack of resources, overcrowding, unemployment,poverty, and lack of social services and education habitually lead to many social problems including violence, drug abuse, and crime.

Most of the crimes such as murder, rape, kidnapping, riots, urbanisation essay, assault, theft, robbery, and hijacking are reported to be more prominent in the urban vicinities. Besides,poverty-related crimes are the urbanisation essay in fast-growing urban regions. These acts of urban crime normally upset the peace and tranquility of cities and towns.

In as much as urbanization has many adverse effectsthey can actually try to be solved by some of the following factors building sustainable and environmentally friendly cities.

Provision of essential services Creation of more jobs both in urban and rural areas population control to reduce the general population in urban centers, urbanisation essay. The government urbanisation essay try its best to make rural areas more developed and provide better services in the countryside so as to try and control congestion in the urban centers.

Young people should also embrace the manual jobs and avoid greed of the white collar jobs so as to help develop the countrysides. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Starting from 3 hours delivery. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website, urbanisation essay.

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This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers, urbanisation essay. Causes and Effects of Urbanisation Subject: Social Issues Category: Social Movements Topic: Urbanization Pages 4 Words: Published: 08 October Downloads: Download Print. Get help with writing. Pssst… we can write an original essay just for you.

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Causes and Effects of Urbanisation: [Essay Example], words GradesFixer

urbanisation essay

Nov 23,  · Urbanization the Harris-Todaro Model of. Words: Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: Read Full Paper. This in turn drew more workers (Hassan ). The result is that Kuala Lumpur has added millions to its population and enjoys a far greater average annual income than does rural Malaysia Urbanisation is the process of increase of population in urban areas. As a country develops urbanisation increases due to people being attracted to the benefits of living in an urban area. These benefits include job opportunities, better standards of living, better healthcare, and better schools. 90% of the UKs population is currently living in urban areas like towns or cities Dec 09,  · (24 pages) Introduction Chapter No. 1 Urbanization brings about a social change. This is most prominent in the expansion of entrepreneurship and industrialization. It is known that the progress of the landless laborer and the absorption of wealth into a few hands promote blogger.comted Reading Time: 11 mins

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